New Version – New Feature


Moving forward with the latest technology, the Autointegrity Development Team is proud to announce a new main key feature in the continuing development of its products.

Now with the new PDF attachment feature, which was released with our latest update on the 8 September 2008, the emailing of scanned documents, images, adjusted quotes and all other documents in now quicker and easier than ever before. In the view page simply select the report items you wish to email, add any comments you wish to include with your email.   AI converts all the selected items to PDF format, then just click on email and they are all sent in the one email.

This feature will be of great benefit to all our clients by saving time and greatly improving the service and presentation of communication with Insurance Companies and other clients.

Our dedication to ever continuing customer satisfaction at Autointegrity does not end with delivery of a product. As an integral part of continuing utilisation of the latest technology, our aim is to constantly improve client satisfaction by our commitment in the development of our products.

We are committed to the development of new and ever better technology in improving our products and maintaining our partnership with all our clients as an integral part of this customer and market driven environment.

AutoIntegrity Development Team